Fixed Deposit Calculator | The Wealth Blog

Fixed Deposit Calculator

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FD Calculator




<!– Choose an option –> 0% (Less than 2.5 Lac) 5% (2.5 – 5 Lac) 20% (5 – 10 Lac) 30% (10 Lac+)

Total Value:

‘use strict’; var amountSlider = document.getElementById(“myTotalInvestmentAmount”); var amountOutput = document.getElementById(“inputTotalInvestment”); var roiSlider = document.getElementById(“myRoi”); var roiOutput = document.getElementById(“inputRoi”); var yearSlider = document.getElementById(“myYears”); var yearOutput = document.getElementById(“inputYears”); var taxBracket = document.getElementById(“slct”); amountOutput.innerHTML = amountSlider.value; roiOutput.innerHTML = roiSlider.value; yearOutput.innerHTML = yearSlider.value; amountSlider.oninput = function() { amountOutput.innerHTML = this.value; } roiSlider.oninput = function() { roiOutput.innerHTML = this.value; } yearSlider.oninput = function() { yearOutput.innerHTML = this.value; } function showTotalInvestment(newVal) { amountSlider.value = newVal; calculateIt(); }; function showValRoi(newVal) { roiSlider.value = newVal; calculateIt(); }; function showValYears(newVal) { yearSlider.value = newVal; calculateIt(); }; function showValTaxBracket(newVal) { var taxBracketValue = taxBracket.value; calculateIt(); } amountSlider.addEventListener(“input”, updateValueAmount); roiSlider.addEventListener(“input”, updateValueRoi); yearSlider.addEventListener(“input”, updateValueYears); function updateValueAmount(e) { amountOutput.value = e.srcElement.value; calculateIt(); } function updateValueRoi(e) { roiOutput.value = e.srcElement.value; calculateIt(); } function updateValueYears(e) { yearOutput.value = e.srcElement.value; calculateIt(); } var calculatorMode = ‘fd’; var heading = document.getElementById(“heading”); var amountLabel = document.getElementById(“amountLabel”); function changeMode(mode) { calculatorMode = mode; heading.innerHTML = mode === ‘fd’ ? ‘FD Calculator’ : ‘FD with Tax Calculator’; if (mode === ‘fd’) { document.getElementById(“tax_bracket”).style.display = “none”; } else { document.getElementById(“tax_bracket”).style.display = “unset”; } return calculatorMode; } function calculateIt() { var totalValueOutput = document.getElementById(“totalValue”); var totalInvestmentValue = document.sipForm.realTotalInvestmentAmount.value; //fieldname2 var rateOfInterestValue = document.sipForm.realRoi.value; //fieldname6 var numberofYearsValue = document.sipForm.realYears.value; //fieldname3 var taxBracketValue = taxBracket.value; //fieldname7 var fd = Math.round(totalInvestmentValue * (Math.pow((1 + rateOfInterestValue / 400), 4 * numberofYearsValue))); var fdWithTax = Math.round(totalInvestmentValue * (Math.pow((1 + rateOfInterestValue * (1 – taxBracketValue / 100) / 400), 4 * numberofYearsValue))); var finalOutput = calculatorMode === ‘fd’ ? fd : fdWithTax; totalValueOutput.innerHTML = “Rs. ” + finalOutput.toLocaleString(); } calculateIt();
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